viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014
Ethic Dilema – Embryo Screening
Embryo Screening
The use of embryo screening is a major ethical concern in this era. For those of you who don't know, embryo screening checks an embryo to see if it's carrying any alleles (genes) for a genetic disease.
How is this done? The fertilisation is done in a petri dish, this is IVF (In vitro fertilisation) let's say we get four embryos fertilised. Around the 8 cell stage these embryos are tested for a particular disease that the parents want to know if it's present or not. Remember that these are genetic diseases, this is why the parents would do it, depending if they have a background on any genetic disorder.
Here is the dilemma, once you get the results let's say you get out of your four embryos two that carry the disease and two that do not. Firstly the two that carry it are disposed, these could've grown into two human beings. Also out of the two remaining embryos only one will be put back into the mothers uterus for u
it to develop, the other is also disposed.
Before we go on into the disadvantages let's see what good things come up from embryo screening.
It is true that you can ensure the quality of life of your child by ensuring health and also it would help to eradicate these diseases. However as good as this is, the process is throwing away like it was garbage in this case 3 potential human beings, wether they are ill or not.
Also ethically only from the IVF religiously that is already wrong because we have no right to interfere with the course of nature, also if now we can choose our babies to be healthy it could seem that it will escalate to what you could call "design babies" for a frivolous purpose, like choosing the gender.
Embryo screening is a new way to ensure the health of your baby, however as much as technology has advanced for us to be able to do this, it has to go further so we can do it the right way, because there is no any other to see it, but the killing is true, and it's present.
jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014
World changing event – The Vietnam War
Vietnam War
The Impact in the US and the rest of the world
The Vietnam War was the prolonged struggle between nationalist forces attempting to unify the country of Vietnam under a communist government and the United States (with the aid of the South Vietnamese) attempting to prevent the spread of communism.
When the North Vietnamese fired directly upon two U.S. ships in international waters on August 2 and 4, 1964 (known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident), Congress responded with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. This resolution gave the President the authority to escalate U.S. involvement in Vietnam. President Lyndon Johnson used that authority to order the first U.S. ground troops to Vietnam in March 1965.
U.S. troops fought a jungle war, mostly against the well-supplied Viet Cong. The Viet Cong would attack in ambushes, set up booby traps, and escape through a complex network of underground tunnels. For U.S. forces, even just finding their enemy proved difficult.
By this points the U.S citizens where not happy because more soldiers kept getting sent but victory was not getting any closer, also from another point of view the peace movement happened. This is something that had not happened before and here are the "hippies" born that we as youngsters imagine from those times. The peace movement started at schools and colleges, mostly young people, this is why it became such a rebellious movement. One of the arguments against the war and for the peace movement was that the U.S claimed that they were isolationists, however they still got involved when it did not correspond to them just because of their rivalry with Russia.
this is what the people did not understand and this is why the peace movement emerged. For the first time the people where opposing to their government to fight for their country.
Going back into the actual battlefield in Vietnam, the American troops were having a tough time and soldier lives were going down. At this stage the U.S took desperate measures and began the operation known as "Seek and Destroy". Here really the name speaks for itself and it was based on using Napalm bombs and herbicides to kill any of the vietnamese hiding troops.
The Vietnam war was the first war that was not only lived in the battlefield. For the first time you could see w¡on the news what was happening, videos, pictures, statements, this did not happen in The Wolrd War II therefore it was a big impact on people. They did not know how to react. This is also one of the factors that gave birth to the Peace Movement. For the first time the U.S citizens realised what their country was doing across the world.
Critical Thinkers in history – Charles Darwin
Critical Thinkers in history
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809. In 1831, he embarked on a five-year journey around the world.
His studies of specimens around the globe led him to formulate his theory of evolution and his views on the process of natural selection. In 1859, he published On the Origin of Species.
Darwin came from a long line of scientists. His father, Dr. R.W. Darwin, was as a medical doctor, and his grandfather, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, was a renowned botanist. Darwin’s mother, Susanna, died when he was only 8 years old. Darwin was a child of wealth and privilege who loved to explore nature.
At age 16, Darwin enrolled at Edinburgh University. Two years later, Charles Darwin became a student at Christ's College in Cambridge. His father hoped he would follow in his footsteps and become a medical doctor, but the reason why he actually would not apart from his love to natural history was the the sight of blood did not make him feel very well.

Darwin's exposure to specimens all over the globe raised important questions. Other naturalists believed that all species either came into being at the start of the world, or were created over the course of natural history. In either case, the species were believed to remain much the same throughout time. Darwin, however, noticed similarities among species all over the globe, along with variations based on specific locations, leading him to believe that they had gradually evolved from common ancestors. He came to believe that species survived through a process called "natural selection," where species that successfully adapted to meet the changing requirements of their natural habitat thrived, while those that failed to evolve and reproduce died off.
This is what we still believe today as the theory of evolution.
The reasons why i think Darwin is a critical thinker is because of how he was able just by looking at species from his journey from all around the world that they where similar but also different. Also by being the first one on drifting apart from the original beliefs.
When he published his studies he did not say that we human beings come from monkeys, he said the we have a common ancestor. This was a good move from his part.
Following a lifetime of devout research, Charles Darwin died at his family home, Down House, in London.
During the next century, DNA studies revealed evidence of his theory of evolution, although controversy surrounding its conflict with Creationism—the religious view that all of nature was born of God, which we still see today.
Darwin as a critical thinker, scientist and also a catholic was able to put his beliefs into the right place and allow science to also come into the picture, HE WAS OPEN MINDED TO IT.
My name is Bernardo Piñeiro, i am 17 years old.
I think of myself as a critical thinker because of my ability of judging a situation, analysing problems, being open minded and for my sense of unpacking.
I try to embrace this skills on my daily life, sometimes i am able to do so sometimes i am not. I also try to get my family and friends involved in this, either by going into a deep conversation and explaining to them about these values or by just simple life situations where you have to put this into practice.
To be a critical thinking you have to learn what it actually is; for this you have to be open minded, this is why discussing and being open minded is one of my favourite parts of critical thinking. For any potential critical thinkers my main advice would be to allow themselves to be open minded.
I think of myself as a critical thinker because of my ability of judging a situation, analysing problems, being open minded and for my sense of unpacking.
I try to embrace this skills on my daily life, sometimes i am able to do so sometimes i am not. I also try to get my family and friends involved in this, either by going into a deep conversation and explaining to them about these values or by just simple life situations where you have to put this into practice.
To be a critical thinking you have to learn what it actually is; for this you have to be open minded, this is why discussing and being open minded is one of my favourite parts of critical thinking. For any potential critical thinkers my main advice would be to allow themselves to be open minded.
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